One more try. . .
I would like to thank the patience of those who have been waiting for more from this weblog. I hope not to disappoint you. More later.
A Weblog on self-education, from the Trivium (grammar, dialectic and rhetoric), through a New Quadrivium (number theory, natural science, visual thinking, and music) and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy's Cross of Reality (history, literature, political theory and science), to that Queen of the Sciences, Theology, and Her handmaiden, Philosophy.
Bernard Brandt, having finally tired of being the estimable Mullah Nasruddin, has decided to return to being Cthulhu. A kinder, gentler, Cthulhu. A Cthulhu who proposes an end to poverty, an end to suffering. In fact, just plain an END. Vote for Cthulhu: why choose the LESSER evil?
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